Full Moon Tonight: Your Hot Tub’s Got The Best Seat In The House for Hot Tub Astronomy
August 24, 2010
It’s time for Hot tub Astronomy 101. Here’s a bit of history: full Moon names date back to Native Americans tribes of the area of the northern and eastern United States. The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon.
The August full moon is called the Full Sturgeon Moon. The fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
Whatever you call it, don’t miss tonight’s full moon from your Hot Spring Spa from Olympic Hot Tub. I think it will be visible between the clouds. By the way, if you want to check the weather for hot tub soaking, go to Cliff Mass’ blog. This popular meteorologist is THE expert on weather of the Pacific Northwest. When all other weathermen get it wrong, he gets it right 99.9% of the time.
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.
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RES EST SERVAS VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.