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Friday, December 18th-Last Day to Donate to Toys for Tots

December 17, 2009

Thanks to the generosity of our Puget Sound area Olympic Hot Tub customers and friends, we’ve collected boxes and boxes of Toys for Tots-more toys than last year! The Hot Spring Spa full of toys is in our Issaquah store.  The big teddy bear arrived in the Everett store two weeks ago! Tomorrow, Friday, December 18th is the last day to bring a new, unwrapped toy to either Olympic Hot Tub Company Issaquah or Olympic Hot Tub Company Seattle for the US Marines Toys for Tots drive.  Your toy can make a big difference to a child who might not otherwise have a bright Christmas.  This has been a rough year for many families and the need is great while donations are down overall.  More toys are needed!! We’ll happily accept your toy donations until 2PM when we’ll take all of the toys to Fisher Plaza where KOMO-TV is a central collection point for the Marines.  If you’ve contributed a toy or a check already, many thanks for your help in making our Toys for Tots drive a success.

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