Feeling Stuck? 5 Ways to Spark Your Creativity Easily and Naturally
May 1, 2014
Did you know that the hot tub~well, the hot bath~ has been an inspiration for discovery for hundreds of years?
Here’s a recent example: Out-of-the-box thinking during high school hot tub soaks with friends led Aaron Levie to found the $2 billion software company, Box. Levi’s tub-inspired success follows in a long tradition, beginning with Archimedes’ Eureka! moment.
While we can’t promise that your hot tub soaking will generate a $2 billion dollar idea, it can help you get your creative juices flowing, too.
Here are 5 tips to get you started:
Clear away. The hot tub is your quiet space, with no phones, devices, or other distractions – just your fresh ideas that are flowing freely.
Play around. Brainstorming shouldn’t feel like work – and it works best when you’re relaxed and open to spontaneous thoughts. You can bet that Aaron and his buddies didn’t behave like they were at a business meeting.
Breath deep. Different scents are linked to different abilities – rosemary to higher concentration and cognitive performance, cinnamon and vanilla to increased creativity. You can get all of these as essential oils to enhance your tubbing experience.
Listen up. Music can improve your mood, help you relax, and stimulate your thinking. Choose some tunes for your Bluetooth wireless while you soak.
Write down. When inspiration strikes, use your AquaNotes notepad and pen handy to jot down the idea. You might find that writing the first one opens the way for a flood of more.
Think of your Hot Spring Spa as your place for in-the-tub, out-of-the-box thinking – and imagine what you can discover!
Sanum per Aqua. As the Romans said it, Health through Water.
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