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Eliminate Hot Tub Chemicals, Testing, Mixing, Adding. Here’s How: Switch to SilkBalance!

February 23, 2011

Here’s how we eliminated hot tub chemicals, mixing, adding testing and gained clean, clear water and smooth soft skin thanks to SilkBalance. Customers want to know if my husband and I use SilkBalance in our own Hot Spring Prodigy model Spa. The answer, most emphatically, is yes. We wouldn’t use anything else! Here’s our story:

My husband and I have been in the hot tub business for 34 years. Since 1982 we have carried Hot Spring Spas exclusively and have been the #1 selling Hot Spring dealer in the U.S. for many of the preceding years. We now have close to 18,000 hot tub owners in the Puget Sound area who have purchased Hot Spring and other Watkins brand spas from us.

During our years in business, we have seen everything under the sun cooked up to make hot tub care “easy”. The claims for every one of these “miracles” proved to be nothing but hot air. When we heard about SilkBalance we were not only skeptical but downright disbelieving. There was no way we were going to buy and then tout your product to our customer base that believes in us and trusts our integrity. Our service tech coordinator summed it up by saying he had “seen it all” in his years in the hot tub industry and was sure it would be just as lame as all of the other products that had come along.

But human nature being what it is, we were curious. And, ever the optimist, I thought that SilkBalance just might work given the science behind it and the testing it had undergone. The real push was our company motto: “We make it easy to take it easy.” We have consistently worked to make everything easier for our customers so all they need do is relax. If  SilkBalance did work, it would be a big step to making water care easier for our hot tub owners.

On a personal note, the air was so dry the winter before we switched to SilkBalance that my skin resembled craters on the moon. I didn’t use my own Hot Spring Spa nearly as much because of the dry skin factor. Many of our customers told me the same thing. Dry skin was a bad side effect of hot tubbing in winter just when you wanted to hot tub the most!

The results? We tried it in our own hot tub and SilkBalance works. It does everything it promises: no mixing, no balancers, and no dry skin! It’s natural. The water of our own Hot Spring feels like our favorite natural hot spring in California: Tecopa Hot Springs near Death Valley, California. We have crystal clean water in our own hot tub and in our showroom hot tubs. There’s no chlorine smell; no odor of any kind. In fact, we tell customers to take a deep breath when they walk in and smell…nothing!

It’s so easy to use and such a relief to know that you’re not bathing in a vat of chemicals. My own skin has never felt softer and been less irritated. It’s good for the planet and good for people. It saves so much time and hassle. By taking the work out of maintaining a hot tub, it’s fun again! And, we can truthfully say: “We DO make it easy to take it easy” because it’s easier and more effective than any other water care system on the market. Our customers love it! We love it! Thank you, SilkBalance.

Alice Cunningham Co-owner Olympic Hot Tub Company, Seattle, Washington

We give a money back guarantee on SilkBalance. You can try it at absolutely no risk. It will change your hot tubbing life. I guarantee it!

RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.

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