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Do You See Yellow, Green or Brown Water When You’re Refilling Your Hot Tub? Here’s Why!

July 23, 2010

Are you seeing yellow or green or even brown water as you’re refilling your hot tub after cleaning? Does it look like it could support swamp life? What’s happening? Has the water system just gone completely out of whack?

Linda Wood from our Fife Olympic Hot Tub Company store said that she’d received many calls from customers who were alarmed by the colored water showing up in their hot tubs!

She writes,“Many customers here in the  South end  are experiencing very green water right now (more than normal). But it is normal for this time of year or after a dry spell and/or lots of sun. For various reasons, the warmth of the summer months brings more iron and manganese into our water supply, giving a very visible yellow, brown, or green tint to the water.

I wanted our Olympic Hot Tub owners to have a “heads-up” to this fact. In the summer months, hot tub owners will see more water discoloration when putting fresh water in a hot tub.”

Tacoma Water posted a FAQ on yellow water. The water is safe to drink AND, of course, it’s fine for hot tub soaking! This yellow/green water condition appears at the end of July and lasts trough October. You may need to add a metal control product like SeaKlear Metal Control to get your hot tub in balance now.  Don’t be alarmed.  It’s normal for this time of year.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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