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Creating Hot Tub Evangelists All Over the World

July 24, 2008

Welcome to Hot Tub Bliss. Here we celebrate the art of hot tubbing and share stories, ideas, tips, and resources to help you go from “ahhhh” to “aha!” on a daily basis in your own backyard.

Hi. I’m Alice Cunningham, and I knew from my first soak in a hot tub 35 years ago that there was more to the story than relaxation. Sleep benefits, stress and pain reduction, family connection time and so much more are among the benefits of regular soaking. And, there is documented proof from the medical community and beyond to support these claims. My commitment is to help you see the value in the hot tub way of life so you can experience the profound benefits for yourself.

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My husband Blair and I opened Olympic Hot Tub Company in 1977 based on the simple premise that hot tubs were great and everyone should have one. We still believe that. The first name we considered for our company was “Lotus Hot Tubs” to reinforce our theme of relaxation and bliss. Our first ad campaign featured the headline: “Now take a deep breath and say, “Aaah…”. The aaah sound that’s bigger than a sigh escapes involuntarily when something is so soothing and healing that vocalization is the only way to stand the pleasure. In the end, we found name inspiration in the Olympic Mountain range west of Seattle – which is where we opened our first showroom.

Hot Tub Bliss is intended to be a two-way street for connection about all things from ahhh to aha. The ahas-those ideas and split-second inspirations that bubble up when you’re relaxed- have always been an important part of our hot tub culture. So, chime in and share how your hot tub makes a difference in your health, work, life and lives of your family members. Share your digital photos of your own fabulous tubscape. Recall what happened and how you felt when you finally made your hot tub purchase, perhaps after waiting years to say, “YES.”

Sharing your experiences will help others get to “yes” as they ponder the hot tub way of life. And, just for grins, tell me about the fabulous vacations you’ve taken with your Olympic Hot Tub Company rubber duck in hand.

Some of your ducks have seen the Seven Wonders of the World, and we have photos from hundreds of exotic places to prove it. Please share yours. Of course, the “staycations” you enjoy every day of your life with a hot tub in your own backyard can bring quiet and sometimes awe inspiring pleasure. So, do share your “ahas!”

Hot Tub Bliss is what this blog is all about. My intention is to create hot tub evangelists all over the world, one soak at a time. Come on in and visit often. The water is fine!

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