Construction Workers Say A Hot Tub Is A Must To Stay Pain Free
November 19, 2010
Our guest post today is by Sylvia Rosen, a residential content accessories manager at Buyer Zone. She’s done extensive research on the benefits hot tub owners receive from their tubs. A surprisingly high number -30% -of buyers she’s surveyed recently have been construction workers. Here’s a summary of her latest research:
Dean Lewis spends his days lifting heavy objects, working in harsh weather conditions and pushes his body to the limits. For a construction worker like Dean, there is nothing better than coming home after a long day to relax.
However, Dean and other construction workers have a special remedy that takes their pains, aches and soreness out every time – soaking in a hot tub.
“After a hard day’s work, sitting in that hot tub is like a dream come true,” Dean said. “I feel no pain, and just feel relaxed.”
A fellow construction worker told Dean to purchase a new hot tub or spa for its hydrotherapy and pain relief benefits. According to Dean, it’s one of the best suggestions he’s ever been given.
“I thought my friend was just pulling my leg,” he said. “After I get out I feel so much better, especially after a long and vigorous day.”
Dean is just one of the 44% of buyers who purchase a hot tub for the hydrotherapy and pain relief benefits. Studies show that warm water exercises are a great way for people to build up strength and relax stiff joints and sore muscles. The water buoyancy helps reduce the pressure on joints, making it easier and less painful to perform the most simplest of tasks.
Alex Greficz, a retired construction worker, has been using a hot tub to relieve the aches and pains of aging for 26 years.
“We are actually on our fourth hot tub,” Alex said. “They have been really helpful for our health, especially after we work in the garden because our muscles get sore.”
Alex, 73, and his wife Karen, 62, said that taking a dip in the hot tub is a daily routine that’s as important as brushing their teeth.
“My wife uses it three times a day and I use it once a day. The longer you stay in it it’s very helpful and helps us get up in the morning,” Alex said.
Alex was a construction worker for years. He originally purchased a basic hot tub as a retirement gift to himself, and soon realized it did more than just take the aches and pains out.
“The hot tub has made us a better couple,” he explained. “We enjoy going in it, talking and listening to music. It’s fun for the family.”
Approximately 30% of hot tub owners, who were interviewed about how their hot tub has benefited their lifestyle, were construction workers. All say that the hot tub is something they can’t live without and is an essential tool in their jobs.
Thanks to Sylvia. This guest post was written by Sylvia Rosen who is a residential accessories content specialist at BuyerZone.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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