Cloudy Hot Tub Water? How to Clear It Up Now With a Toss n’ Go Pod
September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014
One thing has to be perfectly clear: your hot tub water. Did you know that there’s a new way to clear up cloudy hot tub water-instantly? It’s so simple you’ll wonder why no one has invented it before.
Weekly Clear SeaKlear® Mighty Pods for hot tubs are a sparking no-hassle toss n’ go solution.
Nothing says “yuck” like cloudy tub water, even if it’s sanitized, shocked, and balanced. So toss in a Weekly Care SeaKlear Mighty Pod for hot tubs. One a week will boost your filter’s efficiency, remove lotions and oils that leave waterline scum, and give you a crystal-clear soaking experience.
There’s no mixing or measuring – just toss a pod for every 500 gallons of water. Run your pump to filter for a couple of hours, and when the pod is dissolved, the water is fine.
SeaKlear Mighty Pods are made from crushed crab shells, 100% safe and environmentally-friendly. Mighty Pods work with all sanitizer systems to clear lotions and oils and provide clean, clear, carefree water. Made in USA? Right here in Washington!
Clear you water. Clear your mind. Relax. SeaKlear Weekly Care Mighty Pods for hot tubs make it clear.
Available now in all Olympic Hot Tub stores and our E-Store.
Our post today received major input from Terry Arko, Recreational Water Specialist at SeaKlear. Thank you, Terry.
As the Romans said it, Sanum Per Aqua. Health through water.
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Cloudy Hot Tub Water? How to Clear it Up Now