Cherish the moments
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019 – I’ve been away the past five days on a trip to Fort Myers and Atlanta. The trip started out with a couple of days in Florida, where I had the good fortune to spend time with a number of other terrific Hot Spring dealers from around the country. We get together to share numbers, ideas, thoughts, and hang out with each other, which is really one of the best parts of the meetings. Seeing friends that are in the same business as I am that also are wonderful people to be around make it all the better.
I headed to Atlanta for the weekend and for some more work. Over the past couple of days, I got to experience the city, which I find to be lovely. (Too hot for me, however!) Since it was my first time here as a tourist, I did a few very touristy things, including visiting the Margaret Mitchell House where she wrote Gone with the Wind 80 years ago.
I also went to the World of Coca-Cola. The exhibits themselves were pretty much fluff, but the thing that really drew me in was the 6-minute film they show you at the start of your time there. The message: Life is not measured in time; it is measured in moments. There were depictions of sharing news of a baby coming, a proposal, a young man sharing his feelings about a girl, friends getting together to try a crazy attempt at a basket over the ledge of a balcony to a hoop placed in the ocean, and a message to a family from a member of the army to his family followed by a surprise appearance and the resulting joy of his mom, dad, siblings. Naturally, it was a feel-good film that really didn’t have much to do with Coke at all (although obviously it was meant to link Coke to feel good moments).
Afterwards, I visited the National Center for Civil & Human Rights. This propelled me into an entirely different arena of moments, many of them ones in history that were recalling moments of people not being very kind to each other as human beings. It was a true emotional dichotomy experienced in one day.
It made me reflect on how we all take in life. It’s incredibly easy to go through each day on a non-stop run, getting all we feel needs to get done and make it to the other side. Some days we’ll get to the wrap and feel accomplished, others might find us feeling like we got nowhere at all.
As I sit here this morning reflecting over the past few days, I’m picking out the moments that made me feel something. For me, it’s a different way to approach mindfulness, and allows me to feel where I’m planted in the world and the impact I can have upon it.
Of course, this brought me back to the business I’m immersed in that I love—health and wellness through hot water. If you’re a hot tubber, you know that spending time in your tub gives you a chance to recharge and either recover from the day or start it out right.
My point in this particular writing is to urge all of you to take the time in your hot tub to reflect on the moments that made you feel something. Spending time recollecting a memory or a moment can help produce serotonin and help you feel centered in the world in which you’re living. It can give you a greater appreciation for a loved one, an experience, or a challenge you rose and met. It can also give you time to think about moments to come, and how you’ll rise to meet them and make them either special for you or special for someone you know. We humans need to connect with one another, and how we choose to do so helps create moments we can either regret or cherish. I hope you’ll find way to create interactions that are to be cherished.
Life is not measured in time; it is measured in moments.