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July 15, 2009

Hot tubs & Harleys? That’s the perfect combination for fun and relaxation. Yes, they go together especially in the Northwest with our rainy winters.  If you’re a Harley rider, a Hot Spring Spa is a MUST. Coming home from a long, cold ride to your own hot steaming Hot Spring is pure bliss.  You can even extend your riding season by at least two months by having a Hot Spring Spa to come home to.

Right now in our Olympic Hot Tub Company Lacey store, we’re having a promotion for Harley and all other motorcycle riders. We’ve teamed up with our neighbors Northwest Harley. Ride your bike to the Lacey Olympic Hot Tub Company store and if you’re looking for a hot tub to help you relax and unwind,  select a Biker Duck floating in our fountain to win a valuable gift with your purchase.  If you already have a hot tub, ride your bike to the store and select a Biker Duck floating in our fountain for dollars off your water care product purchase.  Biker Ducks for sale in our Lacey store, too. Olympic Hot Tub Company is open 10-6 Monday through Saturday and 11-6 on Sundays. Ride on over and see us!

RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.

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