Best Way to Connect With Your Teen? Share a Hot Tub
February 11, 2015
To connect with your teen, go with the flow, the hot tub flow that is. It’s not easy being the parents of teens these days. The gap between your world and theirs seems wider than ever.
For better bonding with that emerging adult in your house, just add water – a Hot Spring Spa from Olympic Hot Tub. Scheduling family dinners can be difficult in an activity-driven schedule, but a shared soak requires no cooking or dish washing and it can happen whenever you’re all home.
Our customers tell us that the soothing alone-together time has transformed their relationships. “It’s my son’s ‘safety zone’ to talk about what’s on his mind,” one father said. “It’s been a blessing.”
Here are some tips:
- Stop. Set aside everything else – mentally as well as physically – to focus on this shared time. Leave the iPhone, the iPad, and the Internet behind so neither of you gets distracted from just being together for this time.
- Listen. Among the splash of the water, your teenager might accept your undivided attention as a chance to say more than “Fine,” “OK,” and “Nothing,” in response to your questions. Many a true word is spoken in front of the jets. Parents have told us that the hot water acts almost like a truth serum. Their previously silent, unresponsive teen turns into “chatty Kathy”.
- Relax. The tub is not a conference room or negotiating table, so the session might work better without an agenda. Time together builds trust, even if not every issue is resolved by the time you dry off. See: Listen.
- Open. Along with special times for you and your teenager, your tub can provide a gathering place for their friends – after-practice soaks for sports teams, birthday celebrations, or just because it’s there. You’ll know who they mean when they’re going to the mall with “friends.” And they’ll be proud to have such cool parents. If “cool” is even the best word to use now!
So come on in to Olympic Hot Tub and pick out a bonding tub with your teen. Get a buy in from him or her on your purchase. Just don’t get one that’s too small! The water’s fine. And, you’ll appreciate the change in your relationship once you start using the tub regularly. It might not last outside of the tub, but at least you’ve had real time together.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for health through water.
More on hot tubbing and family togetherness:
4 Tips for a Memorable Thanksgiving in the Hot Tub
Hot Tub Together to Reboot Your Family