Best Birthday Present Ever? A Hot Tub, Of Course!!
July 6, 2010
Did you know that the month of July has the second highest number of birthdays in it? All of you with July birthdays: are you going to be hot tubbing to mark the occasion? Especially popular for birthdays with an “0” i.e. 40, 50, 60, 70 or a “5” i.e. 45, 55, 65, 75, the hot tub may be the best present the birthday person has ever received or has purchased for herself!! And, hot tubing is a way to celebrate that birthday all year long. Over the years Olympic Hot Tub Company has done hundreds of hot tub deliveries that were a surprise birthday present for a spouse or family member. Balloons, red ribbon and party ducks adds to the fun. Surprise birthday hot tub deliveries are one of our specialties. If your spouse isn’t taking the hint that you want a hot tub for your birthday, call us and we’ll arrange for delivery on your birthday anyway. You deserve it!
Remember birthdays are good for you….the more you have the longer you’ll live. Having fun adds to your longevity. And, nothing’s more fun than a hot tub at home.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.