At the End of Your Road Trip, Make it A Dip in Your Hot Spring Spa
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
Celebrate Women’s Motorcycle Month with a ride and a soak.
July is Women’s Motorcycle Month, and an initiative of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum and Nationwide Insurance to honor pioneering women riders and celebrate the fast-growing number of women on the road. It’s also a great excuse for a cleansing, soothing hot tub party after a commemorative ride with friends after flogging it on country backroads.
Take a moment to remember sisters Adeline and Augusta Van Buren, who made the first cross-country motorcycle ride nearly a century ago, in 1916, trying to convince the military that women could be wartime dispatch riders. They cleared the path for Bessie Stringfield, the African-American “Motorcycle Queen of Miami” who became a U.S. Army dispatch rider in the 1930s and 1940s and made eight transcontinental rides. Dot Robinson, the first woman who won an AMA national competition, co-founded the Motor Maids of America in 1939. All four are in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame.
Today, more than 4.3 million women ride the road, a big increase in recent years. And, they’re not ‘backseat Bettys” but true bikers ( A person with a passion for Halreys who owns a bike not just a T-shirt and needs no excuse to ride). That’s a lot of sore muscles that could use the warm jets of a Hot Spring Spa, the deep clean of crystal-clear waters with SilkBalance care or the exclusive ACE Salt Water Sanitizing system, and the soothing experience of a soak that relaxes mind and body.
But don’t hog the hot tub for yourself – make it a destination for the after-ride party in honor of Women’s Motorcycle Month.
As the Romans said it, Res Est Serva Voluptas. True pleasure is serious business
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