Announcing The Great Traveling Hot Tub Duck Contest
May 13, 2010
Hot Tub Ducks love to travel! Are you traveling to an exotic locale or staying around home this summer? Take your hot tub duck with you. Send us a photo (squeaky clean, of course) of your hot tub duck on vacation with you-at home or abroad.
Olympic Hot Tub Company’s Facebook page fans will vote for the winner by ‘liking ‘ their favorite photo.That’s the hot tub duck at the Great Sphinx in Egypt.
The Prize? A one time Valet Service on your hot tub-a $250 value! Imagine a! Drain, Clean, refill, and re balance all done by one of Olympic’s professional Valet Team Members.
Happy Travels! Contest runs May 15-August 15, 2010.
Need a new duck? Olympic Hot Tub is Rubber Duck Central. See the complete collection for the perfect duck to take on your holiday at any of our stores: Seattle, Fife, Everett, Issaquah, Lacey.
The small print: No cash value. Prize applies only to Puget Sound residents where Olympic has established Valet Service. Once submitted Olympic reserves the right to use your photo for advertising purposes. Call Olympic’s Service Center for details. 206 431-2876. Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM.
Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to