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9 Reasons The Rubber Duck Deserves to Be In The National Toy Hall of Fame!

August 1, 2013

Vote for the Rubber Duck!Hot Tubbers of the world, unite!

Did you know that the Rubber Duck has so far been excluded from the National Museum of Play in Rochester, N.Y.?

This is an otherwise fabulous place with a National Toy Hall of Fame inside honoring 51 toys so far, from the skateboard and the Frisbee to Barbie and Mr. Potato Head. There’s Monopoly, Play Doh, Big Wheels, Crayola crayons – all worthy toys – but no Rubber Duck.

We at Olympic Hot Tub I say it’s time to launch a campaign to win inclusion for this floating icon and hot tub favorite.

9 reasons why the rubber duck deserves to be in the National Toy Hall of Fame:

1. Rubber Ducks have a long history. They’re over 100 years old having been introduced near the beginning of the rubber industry.

2.  Rubber Ducks are universally recognized with their familiar bright yellow body, orange bill, black eyes and pleasant smile.

3.  Rubber Ducks have expanded to include a rainbow of diversity, shapes, colors and a host of famous characters. Some even glow in the dark.

4. Rubber Ducks are the epitome of childhood simplicity: they float, they squeak, they squirt and they promise hours of good clean fun for kids who otherwise would shun bath time.

5. Rubber Ducks reside in millions of hot tubs worldwide bringing fun, smiles and comfort-even a little nostalgia.

6. Rubber Ducks are used around the world in competitive races to raise money for charities.

7. Rubber Ducks have inspired songs and shows. Sesame Street’s Ernie’s friend Bert loved his Rubber Ducky.

8.  Rubber Ducks have aided scientists in discovering ocean currents in the Pacific when thousands were swept off a ship from China in 1992 and are still showing up on beaches world wide decades later.

9.  A 54-foot-tall Rubber Duck created in 2007 by a Dutch artist has docked in harbors from Sydney to Hong Kong bringing smiles wherever he goes.

The case is clear:  the Rubber Duck belongs in the National Toy Hall of Fame!  If you agree, join our campaign.

Click here to nominate the duck into the National Toy Hall of Fame.  It’s OK to copy this blog post to insert as the reasons for your nomination.

As the Romans said it: Res severa est verum gaudium. True Pleasure is a serious business.


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