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6 Ways a Hot Tub Will Boost Your Success in 2015

December 30, 2014

New-Year Fresh Start -4December 30, 2014

Here’s what we call it “The Hot Tub New Year’s Resolution Solution” or how daily soaking hot tubbing can help you succeed in 2015 by making it easy to keep your New Year’s resolutions.

Many of us take the turn of the calendar as a chance to turn over a new leaf, promising ourselves that we’ll make positive changes in the New Year. The most common one is weight loss, maybe because on average we’ve each gained seven pounds since Thanksgiving! Also high on the list, coming after the frantic holiday shopping and visiting season, is a goal to slow down and enjoy life. Whatever your resolutions, chances are that your hot tub can help keep them from breaking in the months to come.

Here’s how it works with the six most popular promises:

1. LOSE WEIGHT.  Strategic tubbing – before a big mean and before bedtime – can help you shed pounds and keep them off. Check out “Weight Loss tip: Soak in the Hot Tub BEFORE dinner!” and the popular “Lose Weight While You Sleep” to learn how.

2.  STRESS LESS. Chill out in your hot tub. Getting in hot water can be good for your health, as many medical studies demonstrate such as “Soak in the Hot Tub for Stress Relief! News Update on a Scientific Study Conducted at Washington State”.  Stress relief is the #1 reason Olympic Hot Tub customers tell us that stress relief is the No. 1 reason for their spa investment, and the most relaxing hot tub is a Hot Spring Spa because of its easy care, warranty protection, no-noise operation, and low energy costs.Buy Spazazz Aromatherapy for your hot tub!


3. SLOW DOWN. Even if life keeps up its hectic pace, you can relax. Take time to smell the roses, and savor your moments as you soak in your spa. Many people notice that it generates a meditation-like state, and you can learn how at “Hot Tub Meditation for the Beginner”.

4. GET FIT. Exercise in the privacy of your hot tub, where the water provides both buoyancy and resistance to boost your effort as you’ll learn in “Hot Tub Exercises: A How To Guide”. You’ll get so strong and flexible you might want to show off at the gym.

5. ENJOY FAMILY. You want to find quality time together amid everyone’s busy schedules. The hot tub might be even more enticing than the traditional dinner table – and no dishes to wash! Consider “Hot Tub Together to Reboot Your Family”.

6. BE GRATEFUL. No matter what we are – stuck at an airport overnight or feasting with family and friends — we can make a New Year’s resolution to Be Grateful to Everyone and Everything! Counting your blessings comes easy in the hot tub, and it will encourage you to keep that attitude of gratitude all year.

Your hot tub makes you feel good. It can also help you to be good at keeping your New Year’s Resolutions.

Happy New Year from Hot Tub Bliss.

Let us hear from you. Any other resolutions you’ve made that can be more easily kept by using your hot tub?

Photo courtesy of Successify: Create a life you’re proud of.

RES SERVA EST VERUM GAUDIUM. As the Romans said it True pleasure is a serious business.


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