6 Signs That Mean You Need a New Hot Tub Cover Now!
July 24, 2012
6 Ways to tell if you need a new hot tub cover.
Tip #1 If it looks like the one on the right, you NEED a new cover pronto.
Did you know? The insulating value of your cover is the biggest factor in minimizing your hot tubs heating costs.
Take a minute and give your hot tub cover a check up. Does it feels like it weights 200lbs, has torn, brittle or flaking vinyl, or just plain stinks? If you’re nodding, “yes”, NOW is the time for a new cover. Dry, dirty, brittle vinyl will crack and affect heat retention and water cleanliness. A heavy cover means that it’s taking on moisture and losing heat.
Don’t let an old cover ruin your hot tubing experience and run up your energy bill.
Olympic Hot Tub is the exclusive dealer for Sunstar® manufactured spa covers that fit your Hot Spring®, Caldera®, Tiger River®, Limelight®, Hot Spot® or Solana® Spa perfectly for the highest energy efficiency.
Do the following Cover Check-up in daylight. Download the form and take it out to the hot tub.
If your cover fails all of the points, call the Service Center 206 431-2876 for a new one.
If your vinyl is torn, cracked, dry or brittle, you should know that vinyl breakdown affects the safety, heat retention and beauty of your cover in addition to the cleanliness of your spa water. Torn, cracked vinyl can’t be repaired easily; if it’s dry and brittle, no repair is possible. Condition and clean your top vinyl monthly with 303 Aerospace Protectant. If you can’t revive it, you need a new cover.
Properly working straps and locks affect the safety of your hot tub. Check the condition of your adjustable tie down straps and locks to make sure they work. If they’re not, call Olympic Hot Tub’s Service Center for replacements. 206 431-2876.
A sagging cover Indicates broken foam cores which indicates you have gaps in the seal. You definitely need a new cover!
A “puddling” cover suggests broken or bowed cores. They will get worse over time causing the foam to break under the weight of accumulating water. Water weight can cause the metal channel to bend or break and vinyl to tear; saturated covers will not dry out. You need a new cover!.
A heavy cover shows that the cores have absorbed water; needs replacement. Foam cores are critical to heat retention and safety. Cores can be replaced but for a cover over two years old, core replacement is not recommended. Older vinyl shrinks from exposure to heat & cold, making replacement difficult. When it’s too heavy to lift, you need a new cover.
Is the hinge torn? Precious heat can escape if a hinge tear goes beyond the Heat Seal Shoe (approx. 2″ in from the outside edge). If your hinge is torn less the 6″, it may be repairable; we can help. If over 6″, we recommend a new cover.
The “shoes” seal the gap where the two halves of the cover come together, preventing heat loss at the hinge. If a shoe is torn away from the hinge, or damaged, consider having it re-stitched. First remove the foam cores from the vinyl cover. If the shoe is very badly damaged you may need a new cover.
Musty? Moldy? Stinky? There’s no cure for those smells. Bad smells are a sure indicator that you need a new cover.
Don’t let an old cover ruin your hot tubing experience and run up your bill. Call our Service Center 206 431-2876 or the Olympic Hot Tub store nearest you for a new cover for your hot tub. Blog special: Order online through our estore‘s 10th Anniversary Celebration. Use the code: Celebrate. You’ll receive FREE a 16oz bottle of SeaKlear Clarifier and a 4oz jar of Spazazz crystals- $a bonus of $31.90!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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