6 Important Ways a Hot Tub at Home Will Guarantee Better Health
February 7, 2011
Top 6 ways having a hot tub at home and using it will improve your health. In January most people’s thoughts turn to ways they can improve their health in the new year, but many have lost their focus by February. Get back to your original intention to be healthier in 2011 by installing a hot tub at home. It’s not too late. It’s YOUR one and only body, take care of it!
Hot water bathing has been a tradition in many cultures since roman times. But many people don’t know that today’s hot tubs provide significant health benefits. Take a look at the latest studies that will show you how a hot tub at home can lead the way to wellness from head to toe:
1. Better sleep. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 70 million Americans suffer from mild to chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders. A recent study in the scientific journal Sleep showed that soaking in a hot tub prior to bedtime can help insomniacs achieve a deeper, more relaxing sleep. Taking a soak in 102 degree water 2-3 hours before bedtime will relax you and re-set your body thermostat making it easier to both fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.
2. Stress Relief. There’s no better way to stimulate the body’s natural endorphin release than soaking in a hot tub. The heat increases blood flow and the therapeutic massage works out muscle soreness. Stress is a silent killer in our overworked culture. The resulting muscle tension, headaches, soreness and fatigue which can continue over time can lead to serious health problems. Not only does a spa’s buoyancy ease pressure on joints and muscles, the mood elevation and the natural relaxation response is a priceless way to improve health.
3. Improve your game. According to Tennis Magazine, improving your game is a cinch when you soak after playing. You’ll avoid muscle soreness the next day and your joints will thank you for the increased blood circulation which takes away lactic acid (which is what causes soreness and fatigue) built up through a rigorous game.
4. Knee pain relief. A recent study of patients who had undergone knee replacement surgery found that not only did they experience less pain, but their recovery time was faster than for non-soakers. Their range of motion improved significantly faster and they used less pain medication than did the non-soakers.
5. Banish Back Pain. Lower back pain is the number two reason in the U.S. (after colds and flu) for a visit to the doctor. The British Journal of Rheumatology published a study which demonstrated that hot tub therapy has both sort and long-term benefits for people with lower back pain. A later study in the same journal further documented the those findings. After three weeks of consistent spa therapy, examinations showed more improvement in the health status (as measured in pain duration and intensity and back flexibility) of the spa treatment group than of the medication-only group. After six months, significant improvement continued in the spa therapy group. In addition, their use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs had decreased.
6. Soothing Relief for Arthritis Pain. Approximately 43 million people in the United States suffer from some form of arthritis pain. The good news for those who suffer from it is that there are safe and effective ways to both minimize the discomfort and prevent further damage. According to a publication from The Arthritis Foundation entitled Spas, Pools, and Arthritis, “Regular sessions in your hot tub help keep joints moving. It restores and preserves strength and flexibility, and also protects your joints from further damage. Exercise can also improve a person’s coordination, endurance, and the ability to perform daily tasks, and can lead to an enhanced sense of self-esteem and accomplishment.” “A hot tub fulfills the need perfectly . . . providing the warmth, massage, and buoyancy that is so necessary to the well-being of arthritis sufferers. The buoyancy of the water supports and lessens stress on the joints and encourages freer movement. Water exercises may even act as a resistance to help build muscle strength.”
In addition to the above benefits, check out more ways a hot tub at home can help your overall health. more. Take advantage of the exercise guide we’ve posted on the Olympic Hot Tub site for a gentle way to get fit while enjoying the hot, soothing waters of a hot tub.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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