5 Ways A Hot Tub Will Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions 2013
January 3, 2013
Happy 2013 Hot Tub Bliss readers! Any New Year’s resolutions out there?
If you’re like most people, the answer is yes. Every year popular resolutions seem to revolve around relaxing, exercising, losing weight, stressing less and spending more time with family.
After a nerve-racking holiday season of buying presents, attending parties, traveling, over indulging and entertaining, it follows that a promise to relax and rejuvenate follows. Resolutions don’t have to be made to be broken this year.
Did you know that the top 5 New Year’s resolutions can be more easily kept when you own a hot tub and use it regularly?
1. LOSING WEIGHT. It is no surprise that this is, once again, the top resolution on everyone’s list. Studies show that on average people gain 7lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years. Yikes! A hot tub soak is a great way to start you on the path to weight loss the easy way. See the blog post from last January “Weight Loss tip: Soak in the Hot Tub BEFORE dinner!” . The popular post “Lose Weight While You Sleep” shows the connection between weight loss and a good night’s sleep. And, what better way to get a good night’s sleep? Soak in your hot tub before bed.
2. STRESS LESS. Even if your life is still hectic in the same old ways, you can take a relaxing break every day in your hot tub which will reduce stress levels. There are many medical studies that have shown the health relaxation benefits a hot tub provides. Read “Soak in the Hot Tub for Stress Relief! News Update on a Scientific Study Conducted at Washington State” to fully understand how hot water guarantees relaxation. Stress relief is the #1 reason Olympic Hot Tub customers tell us they’re buying a hot tub. And, the #1 most relaxing hot tub is a Hot Spring Spa because Hot Spring Spas easy care, warranty protection, no-noise operation, and low energy costs all guarantee peace of mind and no stress hot tub ownership.
3. ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST. Many people make a resolution to take time to smell the roses in the coming year. That is slow down and enjoy every moment in life so that life becomes more worth living. Many people rave about the way that soaking in a hot tub has lead to an almost meditative state and helped them to slow down. Too, the benefits of being outside are numerous. Our post “Hot Tub Meditation for the Beginner” has some great tips for learning to stay present and enjoying each moment.
4. STAYING FIT AND HEALTHY. Exercise is on everyone’s to do list. But that resolution is easily broken because it’s not convenient or you don’t know where to start or you’re so out of shape you’re embarrassed to go to a gym. So? Start at home by doing our hot tub exercises. Build up your strength and flexibility gradually to the point where you can do land-based exercises. See our blog post from February “Hot Tub Exercises: A How To Guide”
5. SPEND MORE TIME WITH FAMILY. Everyone is busy and rushing off in different directions with different schedules. Few families eat together as they did in the past. Getting a hot tub is a terrific way to spend quality family time together. Here are some great ideas for making the most of your family time together in the hot tub. See our post from July “Hot Tub Together to Reboot Your Family”.
That’s the lineup of resolutions on most people’s minds. This year it’s going to be different we all think. Give yourself a break. Use your hot tub now to help you keep those New Year’s resolutions the easy way. Let’s hear from you. Any other resolutions you’ve made that can be more easily kept by using your hot tub?
RES SERVA EST VERUM GAUDIUM. True pleasure is a serious business.
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